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tv   MONEY With Melissa Francis  FOX Business  April 22, 2013 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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course, "after the bell," right here on the show, the company is expected to post earnings of $10.03 a share, the stock is down 25% so far this year. david: i'm looking at netflix, it's at $219 right now! liz: money with melissa next. melissa: i'm melissa francis, and here's who made money today: anyone who owns netflix stock. the online streaming company beat earnings per share, the stock up nearly 7% today. a lot of new subscribers largely due to the hit series, "house of cards," which is awesome. we're going to have more on that in a bit. also making money today, anyone who stuck with boeing despite the problems they had with their 787 dreamliner. boeing's stock shot up about 16% the year, and with the battery fixes, the jumbo jet could be back in the skies in the about a week. but not everyone is a winner. if you own ibm, you lost money today. the company takes the honor of
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being the biggest drag on the dow for the second day, more than 130 points on friday, then another 12 points off the dow today. i don't know, maybe things will be better today. even when they say it's not, it's us a about "money." ♪ muck. ♪ ♪ melissa: our top story tonight, how to balance our country's economic needs with our national security. the senate judiciary committee holding a hearing today on the hotly-debated immigration bill which is under even more fire after the boston marathon bombing. so do we take the first step to reforming immigration and perhaps boosting our economy if we can't be sure who to let in? with me now are american enterprise scholar maaed din, we also have economist extraordinaire, professor peter morici. thanks for joining us. madeleine, let me start with
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you. as we said, as we look at this immigration bill, you can immediately feel a reaction coming out of what happened with boston. to slow down on anything that we might be doing including student visas, including asylum, including some of the workers that we would need especially in the area of student visas who might graduate and then be productive in their economy. what are your thoughts on this? >> well, melissa, that's a great question, and thanks for having me here to talk about this. the immigration bill that's before the senate right now, it's a great piece of legislation. and it would have no bearing whatsoever on the very tragic events that happened in boston. the reality is that people who are here, unfortunately, be they native or immigrant, sometimes you commit horrific acts. but we don't base immigration policy on that. we should base it on our economic needs as a country and as well as on our feelings about the importance of family reunification. and then when we look at those economic needs, we need workers,
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particularly high-skilled workers. melissa: peter, what do you think about that? >> well, we need high-skilled workers, but the areas where there are genuine shortages in the united states are quite limited, and certainly filling those through immigration makes some sense. but having someone say i'm going to be a student and study french literature and become a productive worker afterwards, we don't need those folks. in fact, we may need people further down the ladder, workers in the agricultural sector and, of course, the bill provides for that. i think the real problem here is it's too easy to get in, and we need to look more carefully about what parts of the world people are coming from. because, you know, a lot of folks go to second rate colleges and universities, then they face poor prospects and heavy college loans. they're right to be disaffected. melissa: madeleine, you said everything that happened shouldn't have an impact and emotions shouldn't have an impact on economic policy, but you know that it does. and when legislators are sitting
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in washington trying to decide what to do, they're also thinking about safety and the reaction from their constituents. so don't you think that this will have an impact on policy? >> i actually don't think it will. first of all, we don't even really know what the two bombers' motives were, and, you know -- melissa: no, but, madeleine, they came here seeking asylum, so really it shouldn't be part of the student visa discussion, but it will be. >> absolutely. melissa: because that emotion comes over. we see legislators react all the time and implement policy. we saw it with the issue of gun control that wouldn't have directly impacted the tragedy that happened, but it's still a knee jerk reaction to that tragedy. so that's really what we're talking about. >> gun control, actually, hasn't happened. but, hopefully, immigration reform here will. you know, we had the same thing after 9/11 that a lot of those terrorists entered on student visas. and in the short term we did dramatically change our immigration policy for entering on student visas.
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we made it very hard for students to enter the united states. and it has, you know, no connection with what happened here in boston. they entered because their father was seeking asylum. melissa: peter, would adding more people to the united states grow the economy? i mean, it's a very simple question, but people look at it different ways. some people say we have to add highly educated, high-skilled people. other people say, you know, it's a mathematical factor that if you administer people to the economy, they work more, they consume more, the economy by deaf fission grows -- definition grows. >> i don't think that's true. we do have some areas of shortages that we need to shore up with immigrants both at the top and bottom. they're very narrow. we probably import many more immigrants than we need to accomplish the slow level of growth that we are now accomplishing. if we were at 5% unemployment, if we were growing the way we did in the reagan days, you know, then it would make some sense to make that argument. but right now having folks come here to go to college to add to the army of liberal arts
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graduates that are unemployed -- which is becoming quite an army -- makes no sense at all. the country right now has more people than it has jobs for. melissa: madeleine, would adding more people grow the economy? what's your opinion on that? >> it does, particularly if you look in the long run. what we want is an immigrationing policy that is -- immigration policy that is flexible and will work in both a recession and an expansion. and the best way to insure that we have a strong expansion is to insure that we have the workers that are here that employers want with. workers who are both highly skilled and less skilled, as peter says. he's absolutely right about that. where i think he's wrong is about trying to find shortage occupationings. it's very hard for a government bureaucracy to say this is a shortage, and that isn't. and, therefore, you can enter and you can't. instead, we need a very flexible powell that admits people who employers want. melissa: okay. great discussion, you guys. thank you so much to both of you. we have breaking news right now.
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netflix reporting its first quarter earnings, we are finally learning if it got a boost from its original series, "house of cards." adam, how'd they do? >> reporter: yeah, let's talk about their stock price, because netflix is up dramatically, over 20%. right now they're trading at around $216 a share. when you consider they closed at roughly, what, 173, melissa, you can see just how much investors are pleased with this earnings report. let's get into some of the numbers and the reason you're seeing this dramatic increase for netflix. they added net subscription additions 2.03 million at the end of the first quarter. that means they now have 29.17 million subscribers, and according to "variety," that's greater than the number of subscribers to hbo. so netflix is the new powerhouse for distribution of television content. their earnings per share coming in at 31 cents adjusted, the
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street was expecting 19 cents. now, the revenue picture still holding 2.3 billion, but it's their guidance going forward in the second quarter seeing at about 30 cents per share, so investors are very much on this. but, again, it's that incredible number of subscriptions for their streaming service which is really helping drive this stock price up. i mean, with september 12th of 2011, i believe, was the last time they closed above $200 a share, and they had hit a high of roughly $30a share around that time as well. then, of course, you remember when they decided to change their fee structure, they kind of crashed. people were writing netflix off, but those people were a little premature. melissa? melissa: yeah, absolutely. adam, hold that thought for a moment. i want to get some reaction and also talk about apple which releases its earnings tomorrow. that is the other enormous tech and earnings story, so we want to put them together. let's bring in jonathan hoenig,
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portfolio manager, fox news contributor and our very own charles payne. charles, let me start with you. i mean, these guys are traditional sandbaggers. they love to come in and sort of blow away earnings. >> yeah. melissa: they did that, although on revenue they just met which says a lot about the season. >> i know. but this is absolutely remarkable. melissa: you're dazzled. >> i'm dazzled by the reaction. it's absolutely phenomenal. and, i mean, it's up, what, 30% now i think in the of after market? melissa: yeah. no, it's crazy. trading at 216, it had closed at 174, so exploding. >> it really is. melissa: we're talking about netflix. >> oh, okay. [laughter] the point is it's one of these names where, you know, there's a 4% short position, so the audience should know that. people bet against it, so a pretty large bet that they weren't going to make it. stock's already made a big move from lows earlier, adam referenced how everyone had
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given up on in this company, and once again they've sort of reinvented themselves. melissa: no, absolutely, and,, you know, than, one -- jonathan, they spent $100 million on just two seasons of this show. and while it's phenomenal, that is a lot of money to make back. are they going to do it? >> it is, melissa, but it's one of the only pieces of content out there that is getting a lot of buzz, getting a lot of eyeballs, and charles and adam's point, you've really got to hand it to netflix. thai not only reinevented the company, but they're reinventing the media distribution business as it stands. and charles is exactly right, it's a cult stock. people either love it dramatically, hate dramatically, a lot of big positions on every side. but i have to say i think that they're really in the sweet spot right now. content delivers, advertising and media stocks all doing very well, even disney hit a new 52-week high today. so i wouldn't be surprised to see this forward momentum continue. can't say the same thing about apple, unfortunately. melissa: adam, the call is coming up in about 50 minutes, a
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little less than that. what would be your first question for the call? >> i'd want to know the exact number of subscribers that they can actually correlate to "house of cards." everyone may love this show, but you spend $100million on -- melissa: right here. >> i know where you live. two seasons is $100 million, that is a very expensive show. you better be getting a lot more subscribers. they're giving away subscriptions for free to get you in. what's the rate of people that drop out? >> adam, on that point, they did make a point of saying people did not game the system. they sid millions of people -- said millions of people took them up on their free offer, and less than 8,000 canceled. that's an amazing number. >> that's an amazing number. >> if i knew they had the free offer, i would have done that. >> i've got apple tv, so you get the free offer. i'm a little cheap, i want to wait -- melissa: you are super cheap except when it comes to cards. let me ask you guys, i want to
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turn to apple because that's the one that's in the chute ready to go. what is your expectation? this is sort of the flipside. these guys can't do anything right lately. jonathan, what do you think? >> well, quote i think it was general mac arthur, melissa, old soldiers don't die, they just fade away. and apple here in 2013 is one of those old soldiers. this is a stock not so dissimilar to microsoft in 2001, 2002. probably a market perform, but i think apple's days of really leading the market higher and being that dominant growth stock are very much over as evidenced by the fact that the broad market has rallied sharply amendment ooze p -- even as apple has lagged. i expect the stock to really struggle in the coming months. melissa: charles, jonathan thinks this stock has jumped the shark. >> low expectations often create opportunity, but jonathan's right about one thing. we just talked about how netflix reinvented themselves.
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apple became famous, essentially, almost for being a design company and reinventing itself and industries over can and over again. there's a lot of question marks over there. the only thing they benefit right now is the fact that we expect disaster. wall street's expecting nothing. maybe a hint of something, but it won't get a netflix type of move, i don't think. melissa: they used to be the one that always had the early buzz, they would always sandbag and come in and blow it away. adam, what's your take? >> just because you have a really bad hangover doesn't mean you give up drinning. [laughter] apple's really expensive -- [laughter] this is a company with how many, jonathan, 130 some billion in the bank? you know, they're going to have revenue over $40 billion in one quarter? come on, this is a company you cannot lay off. >> i can't disagree with that. the question is, are they going to see that type of valuation expansion like we've seen for, what, the better part of the last ten years? those old leaders are not working anymore. melissa: all right, we've got to go.
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>> that was the same when it was $700 a share. melissa: just pause you've got a hangover doesn't mean you give up drinking. i'll remember that. next on "money," your cell phone could be victim to a malicious virus what you need to know to keep your money safe. more "money" coming up. ♪ ♪ [ngine revving ]
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♪ ♪ melissa: you think your cell phone is safe from being hacked? well, we've got a virus alert for android users. the mobile security company lookout is sounding the alarm over a piece of code called bad news that could have made its way onto millions of android phones and tablets. people everywhere will face security breaches, so is your phone at risk? we have a cybersecurity expert, morgan wright. rob, let me start with you. how much do you know about this bad news software, and, i mean, do you think all of us should be worried about it? >> well, in general, if you're on an android phone, you should be worried pretty much all the
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time anyway. that's the least secure of the platform out there. in fact, it's kind of ironic given that google came to market belly aching about microsoft security. it's one of the clear areas they beat microsoft, and they are far less secure than microsoft, and it's considered the least secure and most likely to be compromised by malware on the planet. melissa: wow. morgan, that is scathing. do you agree with that review from ron? >> just because you get a virus on your phone doesn't mean you give up mobility. [laughter] this is a tale of two cities. this is the dickens classic revisited. you have apple with the highly secure store, but you don't get as much degrees of freedom when you develop it. on the other hand, you've got android which is the wild west, and rob's point is exactly correct. i'm concerned from a security standpoint that if we're moving to a byod strategy, bring your own device, i as an administrator don't want to secure various versions of android operating systems on a phone especially when i'm in a
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sensitive environment, government, financial, health care, things like that. melissa: yeah. so, morgan, you're talking about more and more offices are saying rather than providing a device, they'll let you go and buy and bring in whatever you want to use, and then they help you get on their system, and if more and more people are bringing in androids, that it's becoming less secure, is that what you mean? >> yeah. i mean, you know, at some point you have to understand is it good enough, and from, you know, it used to be price, security and speed, pick two when you built the network, now it has to be all three. be you're not secure, from a government standpoint it's not going to get used. but especially from a financial standpoint. i don't want my personal details leaking out, and i don't want somebody compromising my banking app that's supposed to be trusted. so very much you've got to worry about that. melissa: so, rob, how dangerous do you think this could be? is my bank account threatened, or is this just dangerous to google android phones and apps and everything because people are going to buy them less? >> well, the thing is if you're
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on android and the phone gets kitted, it's pretty much impossible to detect the phone has been compromised. and if it's a key logger, it's capturing your id and password, and somebody else can log in and probably empty it. unlike a credit card, if somebody empties your account, getting that money back is a lot more difficult. so, yeah, you're at risk. right now unless you're absolutely sure nobody has hetouched that phone before you got it and particularly if you've side loaded an app or installed an application that was free from somebody you absolutely weren't sure you could trust, i wouldn't do banking on an android phone. melissa: wow. morgan, is it that serious? and what's the solution? do i throw away the phone and i'm forced to get an iphone even if i don't want one? >> well, my bank account's at no risk, because i have no money in
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it. [laughter] have at it. one of the things you have to do especially when you get a phone, like a computer, you want to make sure -- somebody's accessed the lowest level they can get and you're un aaware of it, i don't want to make everybody paranoid, but you have to be an informed consumer. do some googling, binging, search these things out and find out if the version of it you loaded and the particular application you're using, is there any risk with it, has somebody else talked about it? you just have to be informed, and we have got more devices in the world than we probably have people in the united states, you have to be informed. melissa: rob, is apple really that fantastic that it's this locked up and it's this safe that we're talking about it like this? i feel like we're being too nice to apple in this segment. >> well, the advantage apple has because they've locked down the platform and they heavy liqueur rate the tore, it's much harder for a virus to get in. doesn't mean it's not impossible. you can still jailbreak the phone, and there's always the chance that something's going to
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bypass apple's cure ration, it's just far less likely than it is with an android phone. the safest phone is probably the blackberry because they use a programming method that compartmentalizes the components so it should be easier to secure can. but the next generation of phones that use things like deep defender may, in fact, provide at least a better solution than we have on the market right now. melissa: no, you're right, and that's why you still see a lot of government offices continue to use blackberry, because it is more secure in that way you were just describing. boy, i thought you guys were going to tell me there's nothing to worry about. instead, it was quite the opposite. thanks for coming on. [laughter] i appreciate your help. >> thanks, melissa. melissa: coming up on "money," got a trip booked? we've got a former ntsb official to tell you what to avoid so you don't get stiffed on your travel costs. do you ever have too much "money"? ♪ ♪
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♪ melissa: trouble for air travelers. air-traffic controllers and the ministers said that nearly 7,000 flights a day and more than one dozen major u.s. airports could be delayed. just crying wolf. has been looking pretty uneventful so far. with me now, aviation expert peter gold. always nice to see you. there has been a battle going back and forth today about how bad it is that there. the faa put out a statement a short time ago saying that controllers will space planes farther tercel that they can manage planes that will the lead set delays. today there were approximately
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400 business system attributed to a staffing reductions resulting from a furlough. it is out there. we are delayed. what do you think about that? >> i think it is a little bit crying wolf so far. today looked like any other day. there were delays add new work in new york and jfk that were attributed to high wind. charlotte douglas was the only one where it was attributed to staffing. about 20 minutes. nothing new. melissa: at the same time transportation infrastructure bill schuster said we know the faa has the flexibility to apply for a los. yet the administration has made choices that appeared designed to have the greatest possible impact on the traveling public. he is saying the faa is making this is painful as they possibly can to drive on the point that ain't made our money. that's possibly true? >> well, i would be the last one
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to challenge the chairman. i do think that there has been a great deal of attention paid to these cutbacks. we are talking about 16,000 controllers, the bulk of the money is in the faa, and we will see if the delays start to mount up. i think there is going to be hell to pay at the administrator's office. melissa: i had very on the network earlier today, a former inspector general of the u.s. department transportation he said right now there is 26% less work, less traffic out there and then there was in 2002. we have a much bigger budget and more people. fewer flights to get the consolidation. bigger planes. every seat is full. basically less work with more money, so one of the complaining about? >> well, one thing is they always complain. secondly, i think she's right. there are bigger planes. there are better avionics.
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people are flying safer. let's see whether these delays start appearing. during the summer there are always the latest when there are storms about. let's see whether these become endemic are not. melissa: wasn't our smarter way to do it, and i think that has been a lot of people's point today. what the uniformly take people away from every place rather than focusing on places where there is less traffic and leaving more people, new york, los angeles, some of the major cities and hubs rather than doing and across the board -- they could have managed this better. they knew it was coming for at least a year. they could put a plan in place that makes sense. >> let me actually defend the faa here for a minute. there also under extreme criticism for trying to shut down a bunch of contract hours. 149 of them. some of these towers did very little traffic during the day. so -- melissa: and that is a great
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place to sit down those towers and focus our efforts somewhere else. i think we're both banking the same point. >> absolutely, but congress is not let them do that yet. they have complained. the people who ask for the cut to seven these cuts have to, you know, really hurt have said, wait a minute. when it comes to my tower in west texas i don't want to shut down. they have had to postpone that. the faa is in some ways caught between a rock and our place. let's see. i think they're making the kind of management decisions that will have modest, if any, affect on the traffic system. melissa: we will see. thank you for coming on. >> of come back if it does not work out that way. [laughter] melissa: okay. you're a brave man. i like that. time to check the fuel gauge report. halliburton says this is setting aside an additional $1 billion to pay private claims from the 2010 deep water horizon rig explosion. in an earnings policy the company said the increased reserve caused a first quarter loss of $18 million.
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$0.2 per share compared with a profit of 627 million or $0.68 per share from a year ago. the good news on gas price, the average price of a gallon of regular has dropped $0.11 in the past few weeks. experts say the prices could go down another $0.20 in the next two months. that is the exact opposite of what we were used to seeing as prices generally go up at this time of year. good news. the cheaper gas could hit. toyota says sales of the previous may black expectations because prices at the pump are going down. the company acknowledges that high gas prices for at use it -- suv sales in the low gas prices make people less inclined to buy a hybrid. the next "money," more residents of west texas going, after last week's huge explosion of fertilizer plant killed at least a dozen people and injured more than 200. there are plants like this all over the country. we are going to tell you how to
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make sure your community can be protected. more -- straight ahead. ♪
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♪ melissa: no matter what time it is, "money" is always on the move. looking ahead to one of the most highly anticipated earning reports of the quarter, tektite apple is reporting after the bill tomorrow, and expectations are low. right now, apple is looking higher in after-hours, although
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not that much. you will keep a close eye on this one for you. a big mover. all right. the nation is reeling from tragedy in addition to the boston common last week. there was a fertilizer plant explosion in west texas which left 14 people dead and more than 200 injured. president obama will be going to a memorial service there on thursday, but for now everyone is looking for answers as to how happened and whether the first responders were properly trained to deal with it. with the environmental defense fund. thank you for coming and the show. one of the biggest questions that was raised after this, of course, any time their is a tragic disaster like this that is an accident, people ask, how can we stop this map and again. you look at it and say, what went wrong. one of the things early on the people were talking about, including the texas emergency management chief, the idea that maybe the first responders put water on the fire, and that is something you necessarily want to do with ammonium nitrate. you either use some sort of fall
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retardant or maybe you go back and call in a hazardous materials team from your region. is it possible that adding water to this to you think made the situation worse? >> it could have made the situation worse, definitely. we don't know what the first responders knew or didn't know about what was at the facility. we know that the facility had been permitted to store anhydrous ammonia, and there was not a permit to store ammonium nitrate. so, you know, we have a situation here where the first responders may have been going into this event not knowing the full consequences of what could have happened or the magnitude of the event that was about to take place. melissa: so who is irresponsible for knowing what is really going on at this plant? you brought up a great point. they were allowed to have 90 tons of ammonium nitrate. by reports, the had three times that amount. as you said, it is the early days in the but it seems like there were a lot of violations
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going on within the plant. at the same time, small fertilizer plants all around the country fall under the purview of many different government agencies who have different concerns. it is not clear how they overlap. it all really cooperate with each other. it seems like a dysfunctional system. >> well, i can tell you that, you know, there are layers a responsibility here. first of all, the company is expected to comply with all state and federal regulations to conduct their operations. obviously the state of texas has a role in terms of making sure that they -- that the facility is complying with the permits and with the loss. the federal government has the responsibility of making sure that federal laws, clean air, clean water act are followed. and, you know, in this case kimono that the facility had been operating for at least two years without a permit. so, in that situation, is seems that the texas state environmental agency should have
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known that the facility was operating without that permit and, you know -- melissa: and we are talking about west fertilizer company plant. donald adair is the owner. according to records camino, you have to wonder what can the responsibility he have, not only to have the right permits it to be doing things legally in there, but also to make sure that the community where they had a nursing home nearby, an apartment nearby, a school nearby, was his response ability to make sure that first response team knew what was going on in this plan for what he had and were trained to respond to that. did he have any responsibility? >> of course the company has a responsibility. i think what we see in texas is that taxes, you know, leads the nation in terms of numbers of worker fatalities, and i think that that is a consequence of not being diligent enough in terms of making sure that the facilities that are operating across the state are complying with the state and federal laws that are out there in existence.
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melissa: so, i mean, this is a problem that could touch anyone in our audience because in texas alone there are 1100 of these little local facilities, fertilizer that sell custom blends. this is all around the country. what is the bottom line on who you think should be responsible or who is responsible for making sure that they are in compliance and that the emergency response teams are not putting themselves in harm's way when they go in to try and help in the emergency situation? >> well, that's right. i think, you know, there are a number of things that could be done. for instance, the fact that a school and a rest home and hospital or all in very close proximity to the fertilizer plant, i think that is an issue. you know, that is something that needs to be resolved. the legislative levels, the state of texas' anyway. there are a number of things that can be done in terms of making sure that the facilities
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are complying. so going out and having the state environmental agency actually investigating this site to make sure that they're complying with their -- with their permit. melissa: yes. >> increasing the penalties and fines when they find that a facility is not concerned with the permit. melissa: we have to leave it there. thank you. we don't want to ignore this tragedy. it was a terrible accident and someone lives lost. don't know if this has gotten enough attention and we want to make sure we took some time to address it. thank you for coming on. >> in queue for having me. melissa: so, has broadway lost its cool? the great white way tri-state bring in a denver, hipper crowd. a fox business exclusive. quite a turn. in the end of the day it's all about "money." ♪
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♪ melissa: there is a new show coming to broadway that theatergoers might not know what they're in for. one of the most infamous bachelor is making his debut in bringing his escapades and
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alcohol induced anecdotes from his best seller, i hope they serve beer and help to the great weight. so will it obviously called i hope they serve beer on broadway transformed the business of broadway and attract a whole new audience? here now in a fox business exclusive, christopher carter. thank you for coming down. for getting all dressed up for the occasion. we appreciate that. staying in character, so i get it. you write very funny books about men who get drunk in sort of, you know, verbally abuse or belittle the women who work there and others. what makes you think -- as it to broadway? >> i honestly am not sure. it's christopher carter anderson is the one that thought it would. he came to me and as miffy do a broadway adaptation of my book. i said to mile of anything about broadway in the set i think this could make great theater. melissa: basically came and said, can give you money to put this on broadway he said to my good luck. go for it. >> pretty much.
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the only condition was a wonderful creative control which was a little nervous about but he is a very smart guy and he can do a ratio. melissa: the average age of a person who goes to broadway is 43 and a half years. is 67 percent female. the average household makes about $200,000. you think these of the votes that will come in and watched truck in trouble is, you know, and there is debate? >> there will be watching high theater. returning lower culture and south park entire theater them book of mormon. and there will absolutely want to come and see that. of course. melissa: in all seriousness, looking at the business of this, as is a new trend or you try to rectify because you mentioned two other plays that have been really successful. book of mormon, avenue cue, different shows that have been irreverent and have welcomed a new audience and and also amused some of the people who are used to going. you know that is what a new audience. >> i think that we are finding a new audience because the statistics you "don't talk about
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two dozen go abroad when the answer is yes men who drink beer and watching sports. they will come to this in droves. melissa: you think? there is a reason they don't come. one of the reasons. >> del rey sold out. melissa: you did, you sold out of broadway commander try to read it to broadway. you have a production cap of 6 million. it's a long way from there to the hundreds of millions or hundred million bell of the shows on broadway right now, looking at the lion king, the book of mormon. these are shows that impressed that much. it is a long way to get there. you have to get some of these and folks to come in and watch to be one of the biggest hurdles would be the price of a ticket now. you know, which is when you go like $100, 200 depending on where you're looking. >> this is revenge of the boyfriends. this is revenge of the husbands. all this musical theater pieces you took us to a mammoth rebate for those tickets? two tickets to that is a small fraction of all those tickets. melissa: you are not even going to see it until it is in
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theater. how come? >> when i see an opening night will be the first broadway play and never seen. i don't know anything about broadway. is just not my sort of area of expertise and i really don't have anything to offer in terms of notes are advice, so i'll be right there with my fans the first night. melissa: said he cast the character that is buying in? >> absolutely, we have. melissa: can you tell me anything about them? >> he is fantastic. he also goes by the name pastor keith. a burlesque and see. so if he could handle being a burlesque and see and all that you can handle this material like a natural, and he really well. melissa: the kendis illustrates the problem you had. he has never been to the theater this is the textile that you need. you need him to come watch this show. this guy. that is a you're baking on and he has never been. that is a big girl. >> all in the to do is read the title of the show.
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>> that don't think it will be much of the stretch because they like my stuff. it's my material just turned into a play in the theater. i actually am pretty excited to see what chris does. i think a lot of my fans will be excited to much to, to see my story that their reddened imagine that their own minds now acted out an idea. melissa: and they have a monologue style. they lend themselves to getting a being performed, as i can see where you like did you do have a lot of fans. thank you and good luck. >> thank you. melissa: next on "money," looking for a new tag? one of the most expensive apartments ever in new york city is on the market for a mere $1,205,000,000. we will tell you allbo about it and "spare change." you can never have too much "money." ♪ [ male announcer ] you are a business pro.
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♪ melissa: it's time for little fun with "spare change." joined by the great tony and the wonderful piece. and the like that? >> love it. >> i agree. melissa: very nice. check this out. the pierre hotel, and if you are in the market will set you back
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about $125 million, but it is money well spent. sixteen rooms, for kitchens, six bathrooms, 23-foot ceilings and a great pedigree. martin's leg is the former honor, the one who predicted the 1987 stock-market crash. so does this mean that the housing market is about to crash? >> let me tell you something, the funny part about this story is the value is buying it is this guy is wife's personal real estate developer, said this is kind of like an inside -- real-estate adviser. excuse me. but the point being, this is like an insider job. and even think the supermarket. this guy just swept it up from is now deceased boss. >> i am shocked that justin bieber did not go in there. it's unbelievable. melissa: that was awesome. >> that's great. why didn't you do that? all tickets. >> it could have been be bland. melissa: it does not really like his style.
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have to go in and try sure something in order for it to be more. >> said of the 17th and 18th to may 19th century design is very believable. melissa: comedy central is now taking jokes of the web in and new 5-day, the festival. canadians will tweet jokes. 140 characters or less and post a 6-2 video using the vine application. is it possible to tell a good joke and six seconds? >> no. this subtle thing bigger producers had tested coming up with our own judge was the hardest thing add it all they. melissa: are you talking about? >> i have a 62nd joke. i opened up my water and electric bill and i was shocked to my side. [laughter] melissa: yummy design top that? four seconds. everyone is a walker's same when you're wearing crocks. >> i where crocks. melissa: you don't have to do a joke anymore. it's all over. in case you missed the red sox
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doubleheader, listen to david ortiz before the game. [inaudible] melissa: that is right. he dropped the f-bomb on live tv, but in an unexpected move the fcc chairman tweeted that they're going to let it pass because they poppy was speaking from the heart. i am more struck with the fcc tweeting. we are going to let t go. who is sitting there -- >> big policy decisions. melissa: apparently. >> meanwhile, the kid in north dakota that has the f-bomb dropped his first day anchoring of fired and the fcc will let them. >> those words usually come from the heart. it comes right year. melissa: it is not usually, you trow, just casually.


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